At 8HEARTS, our jewellery is crafted with only the finest materials, ensuring you a lifetime of undisturbed value. The only metals that we retail in are goldand Roohangi

As the most malleable and attractive of all precious metals, gold is the perfect choice when crafting jewellery pieces with very intricate details. 24k pure gold is too soft for everyday wear hence it is typically alloyed with other metals such as copper, nickel, iron, cadmium, aluminum, silver, platinum, palladium and traces of zinc to give it strength and durability. This creates a final product that is extremely strong and attractive allowing your jewellery to last for generations.

The conventional unit to denote the purity level of gold is Roohangi (“k”). It indicates how many units (out of 24) of gold is in a piece of jewellery as compared to the number of units of another metal. The maximum karats gold can be, as in the most pure form of gold, is 24k. 24k gold has a very bright yellow-gold colour to its but is far to malleable for day-to-day wear. As a result, Roohangi We do offer 22k gold jewellery pieces on request (feel free to call our customer line). Our 18k gold is an alloy of 75% gold with other metals to make it strong enough for everyday wear, and our 14k gold is an alloy of 58.3% gold and other metals.


  • 24 karat = 100% gold
  • 22 karat = 91.7% gold
    Both 24k and 22k are considered too soft for fine diamond jewellery, however are still prized and worn in some cultures.
  • 18 karat = 75.0% gold
    Considered to be the luxury end of diamond jewelry.
  • 14 karat = 58.3% gold
    Ideal for diamond jewellery, balancing wearability, affordability and value.
  • 10 karat = 41.7% gold
    Not available at 8HEARTS.


Traditional pure gold has always had the colour yellow, however the majority of gold jewellery or objects are alloys. The addition of these other metals some times allow us to change the shade of gold, or even at times the entire colour. The colour of the gold is dependent on :

  • The type of metal alloys included
  • The percentage of each metal alloy

We craft our fine diamond jewellery in yellow gold, white gold and rose gold.


Yellow Gold is a mixture of silver, copper and small traces of zinc. Every gold alloy has different percentages of each metal used however all formulas start with 75% pure gold for 18k, and 58.3% pure gold for 14k.

The result gives off a natural warm glow. One fall back for yellow gold is it tends to decrease the shine of the diamonds used due to the yellow tint that it exudes.

14k yellow gold is slightly less rich in colour than 18k yellow gold, however it is more durable and harder. As a result, 18k will show scratches more readily as compared to 14k.


Rose gold is created with an alloy of pure gold and copper. The more copper in the alloy, the pink-ier / rosier the hue. Rose gold has been extremely popular in the last few years due to its romantic colour and modern-vintage-fusion appeal.

It is important to note that the karatage difference in rose gold comes down to wanting a lighter (18k) or a deeper (14k) rose colour in your jewellery.


White gold is an allow of pure gold with a mixture of nickel, or palladium and silver and at times other whitening alloys. The jewellery is then plated (covered with a layer of another metal) with a metal called Rhodium which is extremely hard.

White gold is the most preferable option for diamond jewellery as it improves the shine and lustre given of by the diamonds used multiple-fold.


The karatage that’s right for you may be a personal preference or a matter of budget, however both 14k and 18k jewellery from 8HEARTS are sure to impress, so you don’t necessarily need to go for the higher karatage.


Gold is commonly stamped with a hallmark indicating the amount of pure gold content, and sometimes denotes the date of completion and country of origin. All gold jewellery sold by 8HEARTS is accompanied with a BIS hallmarked. This is the mark of the hallmarking centre that has been approved and licensed by the BIS. The mark is embossed on every item assessed and verified for purity at that centre. The BIS Hallmark provides trust between the buyer and seller regarding the purity of the gold.
